ClaimRm360 Campaign
Start up your freelancer journey with a special subsidy just for creative talents!
From Rtist's Analysis

Rtist Plus & Premium Talents have a
44% higher chance
to land a new job opportunity!
Register Rtist Talent Account
Sign up a free member at

Register eRezeki Account
Sign up as an eRezeki member & screenshot your successful registration email 

Submit Form
Attach eRezeki screenshot prove

Hooray! You are done!
Wait for our verification to receive the voucher!

Terms & Conditions:
1. RM360 Vouchers are only valid for the Malaysian Talents who have successfully completed their onboarding session with Rtist. 
2. Only valid for creative talents aged between 18-40 years old
There’s no need for networking!
There’s no need to do cold calls!
There’s no need for any coding experience!
Look at what our Rtist Talents
have to say after joining Rtist! 

With an easy-to-use platform, clients are able to access your portfolio in mere minutes!
You’re no longer invisible on the online market! 
We have just the platform for you!
Over 4,000
Malaysian designers
chose to showcase their works on Rtist, giving them a platform to shine online
Seats are limited.
Offer is only available for a limited time only! 

Share this page to your friends and spread the good news! 
A national initiative to further promote youth participation on gig economy platform partners under the eRezeki Programme
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Designer | Writer | Videographer | Photographer